High Intensity Training (HIT) or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can be a quick way to get fit and can offer great fitness results.
And of course there is a 'however' coming up soon!
But first, let me take a moment to explain what is HIT and HIIT training is?
HIT can be as simple as a plyometric, high impact exercise or a group of low or high impact exercises (or mix of both) performed in rotation such as circuit training. HIIT training is similar to this yet a little different, as you perform exercises or sprints at a high speed (as quick as you can) with intervals of rest. This would also include intermittent interval training/circuits too (like the ones I used to do during Royal Marine training).
When I first came across HIT and HIIT training it really did take my fitness to the next level and gave my fitness level the boost it needed when going through Royal Marine training. But just to point out here that my previous training prior to my HIT and HIIT training was not done in vein, as it gave me a stronger fitness foundation to be able to perform my HIT and HIIT training to a higher standard.
So here comes the 'however'...
A lot of people get hooked on the next 'wow' way to exercise that offers quick and amazing results and HIT and HIIT training is no different. But what most people don't know is that this way of training is not recommended for beginners. Which means if you're not strong enough or well conditioned then you won't be performing this type of exercise correctly and could also cause injury.
I've witnessed many times when someone's sprint is just as fast as their jog. Now looking in from the outside you could say that this is due to the individual not putting in enough effort in to the sprint of just poor sprinting technique. But in my experience as a fitness instructor this will be mostly down to the low strength level of the individual.
So to get the best out of your HIT or HIIT training you need to be strong. Strong core, strong legs, strong shoulder basically strong everything. Put it another way have to ever seen a sprinter with weak shoulders? And this is the reason why I always go on about building a strong fitness foundation like a scratched record. Because when you have a strong fitness foundation then you have all the fitness ingredients (muscle strength, cardio fitness, endurance and focus) to get the most out of your HIT and HIIT training to take your fitness to the next level (injury free).
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